

We are the distributor with the world's leading manufacturers of Corbion, since Jan 2020. We provide their pharmaceutical products, e.g. polylactic acid, and copolymer polymers PLGA, PDLG, PLLA..etc.

Yes-top is the distributor of Corbion, the world's leading manufacturer, since Jan 2020.  We could offer Corbion's raw materials of polylactic acid and copolymer polymer PLGA, PDLG and PLLA series in Taiwan.

Corbion's pharma-grade of Polylactic acid and Co-polymer PLGA/PDLG/PLLA (trade name: PURASORB), in addition to long-acting controlled-release products, also including injections and medical devices.

More widely used in cosmetic filling preparations, topical dressings, wound skincare, and skin tissue regeneration related products.

More widely used in cosmetic filling preparations, topical dressings, wound skincare, and skin tissue regeneration related products.


We welcome all related research units and companies to contact us to find out more information.